Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Proud Dog Owner

My dog Joey went to a dog show on Saturday-Sunday,then on Monday she came back home with four gold medals!!!!!!!! See last time she got silver,only because of a white dot on her nose. :~/ The judges are looking for good behavier,good posture,and a SOLID BLACK MASK! That rule was very irritating,because other than the white dot,Joey is a fine dog! (I'm not just saying that because she's my dog) She has good posture,good elbows,(wich means she can be bred)has muscly forelegs and hind legs,and is a good guard dog.All people really have to do is just take a breif look at her,and they go running back to their car! So really, I see no point in giving her silver!!!!!!!! But I'm ok with that now because she has finally won her golds. I'm pretty proud of my dog!


  1. Hooray for Joey! She's such a sweetie, I bet if someone actually got to your door, she would just lick them and beat them to death with her tail.

  2. Congratulations!!! That is awsome about Joey. I'm glad you wrote about her in your blog. I miss reading it. Keep up the postings.

  3. That's awesome, Laila! And congratulations, Joey. :) Hey, I heard Joey just had puppies. I bet they're soooo cute!!!
    Love, Nicole Pederson
