Monday, May 13, 2019

What Happened this Week?

Hey y'all,

I'm going to be honest, I can't remember a whole lot from what we did this week. It's all a blur in my brain. I'll try my best though.

Last Monday we had the Sulfer Well elders come to town because Elder Gibbons needed to do Allie and Clay's Baptismal interviews, so that of course was a blast! We taught their last lesson beforehand and then they were all set. They did well, though in Allie's interview they got a little sidetracked and talked about Captain America for a bit. Not sure how that correlated with baptism, but whatever.

Tuesday was crazy because we needed to fill out the rest of Allie and Clay's membership forms, so we ran out to Sister Pearson's and called the elders and got all their info in (the elders forgot the papers on Monday 😑). After that we went and had a lesson with Lucy and Joe on the Plan of Salvation. We went more in depth than we typically do, but I think they needed it. Afterwards they both said that that lesson has never made that much sense before. They have been taught by several sets of elders, so they have been through that lesson a few times, but I guess this time was different! Maybe this is the time they will get baptized! 

After Joe and Lucy we hustled over to see Mayra who said she could meet later in the day and it all worked out. She has been more on the fence, we're worried we may have to stop teaching her soon. But that is okay, maybe it's just not the right time for her to accept the Gospel.

Wednesday was weird. We had to do weekly planning that day because our district council had been moved to Thursday. The planning went longer than it usually does, and afterwards we planned to clean the font. The baptismal font was a little cobwebby and dusty (sad!😢) so it needed to be done. But we got their and got in the building, and Sister Johnson had this awful feeling. I didn't feel anything, though I wasn't in the greatest of moods so that probably didn't help, so I didn't want to discount her anxieties. I went around and checked all the doors and found one on the far side unlocked. We did not like that and she kept feeling like we needed to leave so we hustled on outta there! 

Instead we went out to try some people and felt prompted to go talk to Jack and Renee, so we did. They got a new German Shepherd pup and we came just in time to help them wrangle her into her little harness. She was cute! We always have good discussions with Jack and Renee, and we keep inviting them and seeing how they're doing. One of these days all these lessons and invites and missionaries are gonna get these people to realize they need to make a move. That's what I hope anyways. You never know when something will come around to cause a change of heart. 

Thursday we had district council and the Zone Leaders were there. They're a bunch a goof balls (in a good way). Also I caught a lizard! It was in the gym and the elders were being spastic trying to get it outside. I didn't want him to get stepped on, so I scooped him up and tossed him out the door! He was wiggly. After our meeting we went to clean the font finally with the Karrens. We felt safer with the Karrens there. All went well, Elder Karren showed us how to turn everything on so we were good to go! That night we had dinner with the Kotter family which was a first for me! They have had a crazy time since Sister Kotter had her baby 4 months ago, so I'm not holding it against them that they hadn't invited us over! I think she was worried we did?? 

Oh, they also invited the new family over, the Adams, who then invited us to come with them to visit their neighbors right off the bat! So that was cool. We go to see them tonight, we'll see how things go.

Friday I can't really remember what happened other than we helped Lucy and Joe plant a vegetable garden and we finished the horse stalls for Sister Tucker. Her mare is BIG and pregnant right now. Like, now you can actually tell. She is due here in a couple weeks, I can't wait to see the baby!!!😆😆😆

Saturday was the baptism!!! We got there bright and early to fill the font and set things up. The Sulfer Well elders came to practice a musical number for it, then people started showing up and everything went great! Sister Young got to call in to see the baptism and it was just so awesome! I can't believe Allie and Clay are new members now it's so crazy! 

That night we got to see Sister Hersey and she made us some real Nepalese food! It was sooo good! Oh my gosh. But when we got home, poor Sister Johnson had a food overload and puked. It was sad. She's better now. 

Sunday was Allie and Clay's confirmation, and Mothers day! Got to talk to my mom, and I'll talk to her again today! 😂😂 Sister Johnson and I also taught the Young Women's class because none of the teachers showed up so... yeah. It was kinda cool using Come Follow Me,  I haven't really looked at how the lesson plans are laid out and I liked how it's really just up to you and the people in class to discuss the topics and learn from one another. 

We ate with Sister Pearson and her family that afternoon. We had smoked duck, and it was actually pretty darn good. Then we went and visited Jennifer who is officially off smoking! Woohoo!!!! She just needs to keep going and then she can go through the temple!

Today we made earrings out of clay with a member. It was actually really therapeutic, and they were pretty easy and fun to make, so I might look into doing that back home? Could be fun?

This upcoming week we have exchanges tomorrow (I get to bike in Bardstown!) and on Friday we have a mission tour up in Louisville! Carly is going to be there because she's driving the sisters from Evansville to the tour, so I get to see her again!!!! I'm so excited!!! 

The weeks are counting down fast! I already feel like everything is blurring together and it's madness! It's crazy how I could never see myself serving a mission, and here I am sitting at the end of one, wondering how God convinced me to do this, grateful that he has helped me through this, and pondering on how this journey will affect the rest of my life. This has been one wild adventure, everytime I look back I think holy cow how did I do that?! Truth is, I didn't. He did. I'm just along for the ride, to be the tool in His hands, being lifted by Him every step of the way. The work doesn't work without Him, because it's His work.

I love all y'all, have a fabulous week, and Happy belated Mother's Day to all the lovely mommas out there!

With love,
Sister Wilcox ❤❤❤

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