Monday, May 21, 2018

I almost drownded!🦑

Hey y'all, another week down!

Can you believe it's nearly June? I can't! We'll be getting transfer calls I think this Saturday?? But Sister Mitchell doesn't think either of us will go since I just got here and we've only been companions for one transfer... but you never know!

We've been tracking down as many less actives as possible this week. With ministering kicking into gear there's a lot of members who don't know who their people are or if they even still live here. Sister Mitchell and I go and find them and it's so much fun! We had one guy last week who said, "man, y'all are like bloodhounds!" I just told him it was the spirit. 🙃 Which is true because most people aren't home, so the odds of us meeting anyone is next to never!

This week has been very cloudy and cool, as in the 80s. The thing I can't get over is the rain is warm, and we'll probably have more rainstorms throughout the summer. But anyways we got dumped on. We were absolutely drenched and I was like, it's a good thing it's so warm right now because this is no bueno! Then this man let us into his home, and we felt bad because we were dripping, but he just gave us some towels and said not to worry about it. He kept saying he could toss our bikes in the back of his truck and take us home, but we were like nah it's okay we'll bike. He was baptist and not interested at all, but he let us in anyway. Eveyone has the light of Christ, and everyone is capable of charity and kindness no matter where you come from.

Service is my most favorite thing to do ever. Especially when someone wants some yard work done!!! The Miller family in our ward is adorable and they have 3 young kids. Brother Miller is fighting off cancer, but he won't show his illness, he just refuses to and he's amazing for it. Anyway, they wanted a plot to put their garden in so Sister Mitchell and I and the Huss family (Sister Huss and her 3 hard working little boys) dug out a patch of their lawn for them. It awesome and I love those boys oh my gosh! They were helping us work the whole time, and they were so smart and cute! I told Sister Huss I wanted her secrets because I want my kids to be like that!😆 She's a return missionary and she just said to center your home on the Gospel, find ways to tie daily life experiences to the gospel, and keep to a schedule! Oh man I'm so bad at that last part!😂

We've been doing a ton of tracting too, which I haven't done in a while. It was actually fun because Sister Mitchell and I bonded the whole time and talked about everything. I mean, we do that all the time, but we did more of it because we had a lot of hours! Then she insisted on climbing a tree, in a dress... nothing can stop you after you've mastered riding a bike in one I guess. Ooh that rhymed!

I got to play with so many cute dogs this week! I'm loving life! The Friley's have this giant shaggy black dog named Murphey who is crazy, then there was this red merle leopard dog, with the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. Lastly there was a puppy who was a cross between a chocolate lab pitt mix and a daschund, if I spelled that right?? Her name was Roxie and she was flipping adorable and crazy but I love her!

James 2: 17-26 was everything I've ever wanted because it teaches us that faith without works is dead. I've had too many people tell me that that is wrong, but it's right there in the Bible they read out of. Works and faith go together because faith makes us take action. It's not an idle thing at all, and those who truly love God and His Son want to show their love by doing all they can to serve him and obey his commandments. I've come to realize that acting on our faith makes it so much stronger and unshakable.

I love you all so very much! Have a blessed beautiful week!

The lady in the picture with the silo is one of the less actives we found last week who took us out to lunch and then to a park... she's awesome!


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