Monday, May 7, 2018

Monsoons, Scabies 2.0 & Justify Wins!

Hello my loves!

Oh my gosh it's May! What is going on??

Here's my address, it only took me 3 weeks and an email from my dad to get it to y'allπŸ˜…

7723 Hogans Run Louisville Kentucky 40228

I've made some animal friends, lots of em. There's a quartet of Canadian geese that come hang outside our apartment every morning and a trio of mallard ducks. It's like a Disney princess movie or something. This morning when I opened the door there were squirrels, rabbits, doves and ducks all right there. I don't know what it is maybe they just sense the spirit strongly here...

Our bus that we usually take to district meetings on Wednesdays got side swiped by a school bus so we were an hour late for the meeting. We were supposed to be doing a training AND had interviews with President Hughes, so that was fun. We made it to our lesson with Mary Helen afterwards and that's all that mattered to me!πŸ˜₯ She is awesome and she loves Joseph Smith, it's adorable! She's read all she can on him and his history as a side to everything else we have her study. She just thinks it's incredible that a boy of his age could be so open to revelation, and willing to act on whatever revelation he received. I just like to think how perfect it all was.

Christ's church was restored in a new and free country, with freedom of religion abounding. A young boy with a pure desire to do whatever the Lord would have him do, restored the true church at a time when people were searching for the truth and was called to be a prophet to lead and guide the saints by the power of God. He translated the Book of Mormon, and had other revelations that would later come as the Doctrine & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. He and the early Latter Day Saints were driven and persecuted and threatened, Joseph Smith was martered, and the saints suffered so much. Finally they reached Utah, and from there the rest is history.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is called such because it is His church, and we are his people in the later days. It is all over the world in nearly every nation, in tongues and cultures across the globe. There are temples all over, new ones being dedicated every year. There are saints in Africa, Chile, Japan, Thailand, Tonga, Portugal, Ukraine, Mongolia and so on and so forth. The Church isn't for one nation. It is for all God's children and it the one thing that unifies us all, because it is of God and not of man. It would not work if it was all made up in some little boys mind. I know it's true and I KNOW that this gospel is true. It is the only way to real happiness, to eternal families, and to live with God and our Savior again at the end of this life. The world cannot deny the testimonies of the millions that have come to know the fullness of the gospel, and it cannot deny those who gave their lives for it.

Sorry I got on a little rant.

On Thursday we went to a doctors appointment for Sister Mitchell (shes okay) and I went to the clinic because I found out I still had scabies (I cleaned EVERYTHING and used the medicine and it's clearing up now). We had dinner with this cuuuuute family, the Storms. Great name. Anyway, they have two little kids at 2 & 4, James and Scout. I seem to have made more little friends because the entire time we were over there they were trying to get my attention. I think it's because I'm new. James would run down the hall at me and then latch onto my leg, then do it all over again! Scout held my hand the entire car ride to ward coordination. She refused to let go until I told her we'd see eachother at church!πŸ˜† They also showed me their super cool cat that had a green eye and a blue eye. He's a graceling! (Scout totally hunted me down at church it was adorable).

Friday we had exchanges with our one Sister Training Leader. I was with her companion who she's finished training after this transfer, Sister Goddard. Sister Goddard was really nervous about leading her area for the day and she didn't like the idea of biking (but they're trying to save miles on their car) or finding, but we did it! I told her to just pick an area and go for it. So that's what we did. We met this cool mechanic who loves his family, and maybe one day he would like to meet with missionaries, and this other lady who was out walking and accepted a Book of Mormon. It was weird to think that I just barely got out of training, really it blew my mind!

Saturday was Derby and yes, we did go to a derby party and saw parts of different races. Also, we got to watch a horse called Justify win the derby. I found out that I just like watching the horses run, not so much the racing part and betting part. Oh and it dumped rain so it was pretty funny seeing all the people in the crowd with their crazy outfits covered in rain ponchos. Seriously it was like a monsoon! We had another lesson with Mary Helen that night and that was the highlight of the day. Love her!😍

Sunday we biked and got yelled at on the road. "Could you effing move faster?!" Only he said the actual word of course. I couldn't help but think that they wouldn't have had to drive at a snails pace behind us if they went to church and then STAYED HOME CUZ IT'S THE SABBATH. I almost offered to drive his car so he could bike instead. It must be so difficult to drive with air conditioning behind two cyclists in skirts in the heat who wouldn't be on the road in the first place if there was a bleeding sidewalk or alternate route. Life is so hard. πŸ™‚

We did get to see two less actives though, and we got to hang out with one because as soon as she opened the door if started raining. Then it pulled the whole monsoon madness like it did the day before and we were stuck inside! She was so nice though and gave us some stew. Her name was Kathy, not that y'all would know her I just wanted to put that down.

There is honeysuckle growing EVERYWHERE! It's like the blackberries in Oregon! Also, the air is getting thick and the rain here is warm, what is this place?


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