Monday, June 4, 2018

The Nothing... oh wait, that's just a hurricane


It's only been like, four days since the last email.

So on Thursday we went out all morning, to what felt like the edge of the earth, and were graced by the sight of an incredible lightning show. The only comforting thing was knowing that we were on rubber tires. Then we were going to bike to our lesson with Mary Helen, but we kept getting all these warnings from people along the way. "There's rain coming" "We hope you get to some cover quickly" and we were like, "what is going on?" Meanwhile, the sun's out and it's pretty hot, things are looking good. Then this thunderhead catches us out on the back roads and we got soaked once again! Yeah, we got a ride to our lesson. It was some kind of freaky backlash from the hurricane that hit Florida, or something like that. Oh and then AND THEN at our ward coordination meeting one of our elders was like, "We biked 5 miles and no one was home!" and he was so mad and Sister Mitchell and I were trying to keep it together! Buddy, we biked 14 miles and it was all hills, and ain't nobody was home! NOBODY!

I mean, it's not a competition......🙂

We have a lot of rich neighborhoods too that are out in no-where's ville. Fun to look at but not to tract. We mostly do finding in those places, but even that can be hard. It's especially encouraging when the maid opens the giant French doors and goes, "no sorry, you'll have to make an appointment." Right... appointment... who are these people and what the heck do they even do for a living?

Our district meeting was on Friday and we got to have interviews with President and Sister Hughes! We also had this wonderful training on how we need to let go of the things holding us back from being all in. Just what I needed!👍We did some finding before our lesson with Jennifer and found a new investigator! Her name is Stephanie and we contacted her on the street, she seemed pretty cool.

Saturday was a day that started out weird and I didn't know how to feel, but it ended up being awesome. I thought I had annoyed Sister Mitchell all morning, (and I was annoyed at myself for being so insecure and timid) so I asked her about it while we were out tracting this neighborhood. She told me she wasn't annoyed at all and I was like whaaaat. Then we spent the whole day while we were finding having the longest companion inventory ever! We have been able to be so much more unified because we just tell each other everything! I have become so much more confident and bold just because of it. Well, mostly from being around Sister Mitchell- cuz she's awesome. 😊

Yesterday we had both of our investigators at church, and Mary Helen brought her cute service dog, Allie. Mary Helen is getting baptized on the 12th and she's engaged to brother Kessler! They're getting married on August 20th which is just crazy to me. After church we got a ride home with the Hill's, whom we love dearly, and then we got invited to the bishops massive house for a break-the-fast dinner. It was awesome, and there was this adorable little boy named Tommy who was trying to see how many stuffed animals he could balance on my head.

I started color coding my scriptures because I'm sick of being disorganized, and I decided I'm not going to second guess myself anymore, I'm just gonna do things on the first instinct I have! I could save myself from a lot of stress if I was more confident in my decisions!

Well I think that was it. I feel like I might be forgetting something, but oh well!

I love you all so so much and I think y'all are just the best! Have a beautiful week!

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤❤❤

Sorry but some of these pics are from last week and probably the week before because I'm terrible.

The feet belong to sister Mitchell. Just thought I'd keep y'all updated on her ridiculous tan line!😜


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