Monday, September 10, 2018

The Happiest Moments are When it Rains 😊

Hey y'all

I finally got my tablet back so I am a happy happy gal! Thanks dad!

It has been rainy and cold since Saturday and I LOVE IT! It's been in the sixties and I actually got to wear tights and a sweater. It looks like major Oregonian weather, which makes me a little homesick but the clouds burst today and the sun is back, so yeah there goes that.

We just found out this morning that sister Pankey's friend has cancer. She's been thrown for a loop and been having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that she can't be there with her friend. Could y'all please pray for her? Her name is Allie, and sister Pankey could use some comfort too. Thank you!

Other than that, this week has been crazy busy! The Broshears, the family we're teaching, are doing so good! They've still been coming to church and the parents want to be baptized! Chris (the husband) didn't want anything to do with the church at first, but after going with his wife and his kids he just up and was like, "I want to be baptized" and we were like we'll okay then! They still have a few things to work through but they want this so bad! They have come through far too many hardships to not be serious about this. They have seen many miracles and blessings because of their efforts, and I am so proud of them and happy that I get to be in a small part of their spiritual journey. I love these people!

We had exchanges this week and I got to go to Mt Vernon again! I love that place and the branch members are so darn cute! Their building is tiny! I was with sister Nuttal (love her!) and we got to go tracting. I havent done that in a while because Evansville just has so much going on all the time! It was peaceful, and it smelled like fresh bread everywhere and I couldn't figure out why, probably not a good thing though...😕

We had Stake Conference this week and Carly, Temyha, and the Broshears all came! It was exhausting running from person to person and making sure everyone was taken care of, but everything worked out and boy do we have the bestest ward! They take such good care of our people! I could cry tears of joy!😢

I love this gospel so much. I can't express how great a gift it is, and it won't matter what I say until you FEEL it in your own heart. There are so many broken lives, broken families, that get put back together and healed through the Atonement. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing that Christ cannot overcome. I think I have already shared this scripture, but I want to share it again because it is near and dear to me. It's Mosiah 16:8 + 9-

"But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.
"He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death."

I know that this scripture is geared more towards death, but I like it for the fact that the worst possible thing that we can think of (death) is swallowed up in Christ. I think that's powerful, and it shows that Christ can overcome anything and all things, and he can help you through as well. No matter what you face. We face many terrifying things, and yet we have hope because we have a Savior, and I don't know about y'all but that is a beautiful thing. 😊

Are you ready for fall?? CUZ I AM!!! So ready for this upcoming season it isn't even funny! We bought a pumpkin spice scented outlet plug thing this morning and our apartment smells like pure joy. I love It!

I hope y'all have a blessed week! Love you to pieces!

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤

These are the Broshears kids and the Andersons kids! Love 'em!

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