Monday, September 3, 2018

Pickles and Paint

Hey y'all

We had an exciting morning today! We got up at 6 so we could get to our ward labor day pancake breakfast! The best part about this is we invited everyone we knew to come and we had quite a few of them show up! It was fabulous, and most importantly Temyha and Carly came! Did I tell y'all about Carly? She is a student at USI and she was referred to us by her friend. She got to meet most of the ward and it felt like she was already a member! I am so excited to continue teaching her and getting to know her, the Lord sends us angels :)

So we tried to bike this week to save some miles, and I ended up popping a tire on a screw! It's like they're attracted to me! However, walking to the Andersons with a flat tire made it easier to start up a conversation with people, so it all worked out. There's a reason for everything!

Zone conference was on Friday, which is always uplifting and spiritual, I love it. You wouldn't think you would enjoy an 8 hour meeting, but you do if it's all about Jesus!

I had to drive on Saturday because sister Pankey lost her white handbook, which had her license in it. Yeah that was fun. I think I did better than I thought I would do. I kept reaching to shift the car and scaring the heck outta my companion. Our car is pretty much a computer and it is NOT a manual, so that was fun trying to figure out too. You start the car with a button! That's weird! Honestly the whole process of finding her license was very spiritual, because we needed to find it so we were praying pretty hard! We were able to feel if it wasn't in or at a certain place, and that was cool. We found it right after Sister Pankey was like, "I think it's at the Jenks!" and then we called the Jenks and they were like, "yeah we just found it" and we freaked out and it was blessings from God!

We also got to help the Andersons paint their kitchen on Saturday and it was just the best! I can't tell you how many times I had to say, "don't touch the walls!" but I love their kids, so it was easy to forgive them when I found fingerprints and even footprints on the walls :) I'm like a professional painter after painting most of my house!

Right now some of our ward members are playing a game called 'pickle ball.' It's like ping pong mixed with tennis and four square. I don't really understand it, but it looks like a lot of fun once you get the hang of it! My companion is rocking it out there!

Can't think of anything else that happened this week, but I love you all, I think the world of you and I miss you! Have a great labor day!

With love,
Sister Wilcox

Sorry, still no pictures!

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