Monday, April 30, 2018

I can't think of anything fun or clever for a header, so yeah

Hey y'all!

This week was crazy! I feel like I'm going to say that every week but oh well. This week was gorgeous and mild and I loved it! The upcoming week is going to be HOT and I'm scared!😣

Tuesday we didn't have a whole lot of success and it was getting Sister Mitchell down. The people we had return appointments for either didn't answer the door or made other plans, so that was fun! My poor companion was not loving the wall we'd hit and she was being pretty hard on herself. For whatever reason, this area, before it was split, was seeing miracles come out of the woodworks. After our territory was cut in half we didn't have hardly anyone to teach and basically we had to start from scratch. I'm used to this kind of thing, but Sister Mitchell got very depressed and stressed that we weren't finding people everyday. We did get to visit a cute elderly single sister and we got keep her company for a while. I love visiting less actives and single sisters because it lets them know they still matter, I always leave feeling a little lighter and happier.

Wednesday was our zone conference that we didn't find out about till the day before, but we made it! We received some awesome training on prioritizing our planning and helping people gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, it was awesome! President Hughes said that this mission will prepare us for the mission that is the rest of our lives, (if I said that right) so that really made me think about the person I want to be when I leave Kentucky. I know that's not for a long time, but it made me think! Also, we got a referral from a member which was flipping awesome!

There was a lizard loose in the chapel, apparently there are a lot of reptiles that run around here. One of our part member families has a box turtle problem. BOX TURTLES! 😲 That's not a problem, that's a blessing! I will get pictures of them I promise!

After the conference Sister Mitchell got a blessing from our DL Elder Gibbons and our old DL Elder Johnson. She felt a little better afterwards, but then the ride home was crazy! We were with the Hermanas and everything was fine, we got a little lost at first, then this thing fell off the semi in front of us and popped our front right tire! The hub-cap flew off too. We pulled into a gas station and got some help an hour or so later. Also, I planted some hyacinths for an older lady in our ward, in my dress... I tied it back so it's all good! I have mad skills😬.

Thursday was full of biking and finding! Lot's of it. We went to our dinner appointment with the Ball family and I love them so much!!! They're so good to us! Sister Ball had some words of wisdom for Sister Mitchell and all was well, until we got a text from a member in our ward. He sent a 3 page text ranting about us not living up to missionary standards and how we put his family in the back seat, and he was going to call President Hughes, among other things.

Earlier that morning we had a mix up with appointments with the new referral we received and the ranting member's wife (who is not a member and isn't progressing at all in the lessons, not that that's an excuse I guess...😐). His wife said it was ok if we rescheduled and we went about the day. That sort of thing happens all the time, we wish it didn't, but it does. That's life.

Anyways, this totally freaks out my companion and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. She was already struggling with a whole bunch of other things and this didn't help at all. She thought it was all her fault too. This was all while still at dinner, which was a good thing because Sister Ball was AMAZING and helped Sister Mitchell feel better about the situation. She sent a very meek and lowly text back, meanwhile I was wishing this delusional man had actually called president. That would have been fun. The next morning he texted back and said all was forgiven... so that was awesome!🙃 Apparently he does this sort of thing to missionaries and members so at least we're not the only ones.

Friday we got to meet with our referral Mary Helen, who is the most prepared investigator I've met so far. She is this cute old lady in a nursing home and she was introduced to the gospel by a member in the same nursing home, Brother Kessler. You can have a good influence on anyone, no matter the age! It was a miracle for us and exactly what we needed after the crazy week we'd been having.

Saturday we met another prepared investigator, Jennifer, who is already so humble and really wants to feel peace in her life. She came to church this Sunday and it was all just so wonderful! I am so grateful that the weekend was the light at the end of the tunnel! And that Heavenly Father really does bless us if we endure faithfully.

We biked a bazillion miles on Sunday. Sister Mitchell said she's never had to do that on a Sunday until I came around, I guess I'm cursed😁. But it was awesome and I hurt everywhere! Should have taken pictures of the hills we climbed😥.

I love y'all so much! I'm grateful for all the prayers and the encouragement, you've blessed me simply by being a part of my life. Thank You!

With love,
Sister Wilcox😚

I did a lot of navigating this week, so that was fun.
Elders replacing tires
The speck on the road is me, I left my companion...
The muddy pic is the aftermath of my tumble into the ditch.

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