Monday, November 19, 2018

Spanglishing My Way Through Life


That's as good as my Spanish has been 😂

My new address is 2250 St. Charles St Jasper, Indiana 47546

This week has been so much fun! I'm finally in a small town and there are cows!! It makes me so happy! There are back roads and small towns everywhere, it's so darn cute!

Okay so I live in a members house. Hermana Hall and I have the upstairs and we get to park the car in the garage! Fancy fancy! And the sweet older gal who let's us stay here, Sister Staley, is so cute and her best friend from England, Joan, is here as well! Love her accent so much!👌 We baked a cake for sister Staleys birthday, she turned 80! We celebrated by playing Rubicube (not sure if thats how its spelled) with her and Joan and it was a blast cuz I won! Hahaha

So we teach a lot of Latinos here! Yay! Some people were trying to tell me that I probably wouldn't be doing much Spanish work here, but that's just not the case. One half of the people we are teaching are white, the other half is Latino, and it's AWESOME. How am I doing on my spanish?? Not so hot. I understand like, 20% of the conversations. It will come though! Hermana Hall tells everyone we meet that I like Raggaeton, and all the Latinos think it's hilarious! She says it's my "in" with them. I'll take it! I can bond over music! We also have a Clase De Ingles and we meet some real cool people through that. It's also another way to help me learn some Espanol!😄

We do lots of tracting here, lots of lessons that may or may not happen, and lots of less active work. The ward is puny! I don't know why it's not a branch! The families I've met so far are way fun though, and maybe now I'll learn every members name!🤣

It snowed on Thursday, so that was cool. It was very pretty against the orange and gold trees, and there was ice hanging from the branches, just beautiful! We have to drive about an hour to get to district meetings, so I'm just grateful the drive is pretty. Speaking of driving, we're totally jipped on miles and we're probably going to bike a lot this month! We biked the other day to dinner and it was so good to be on the bike again! Memories of good old Hurstbourne last winter!

I got to pet a ginormous Rottweiler this week and I'm sorry but that was up there on my happy list. She was huge! And so friendly! Oh how I love big dogs!

I got some sad news on Saturday. A very dear missionary friend of ours died the day after transfers. He knows all the missionaries, helps all the missionaries, he's just an angel. His name was Leonard Cannon, and his wife Sarah needs all the prayers. Leonard saved us so many times. He drove sister Pankey all the way from Radcliff Kentucky to Evansville so she could attend Carly's baptism. I saw him at transfers, and I just think it's so crazy how quickly death can take someone from our lives. But Leonard was such an angel that he must be needed to rescue souls on the other side of the veil as well. I will miss him though! We all will! I'm so grateful that I get to see all my loved ones when I die! The relationships we have with those we love and care about are so deep, it would be just plain cruel if we never saw them again! God's plan is perfect, and I want to live as best I can so I see those I've lost again someday.

Well, I think that is all. Can't really remember what else, so have a happy Thanksgiving y'all! I love you!!!!😘

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤❤❤


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