Monday, February 26, 2018

The Nickname Sticks

Hello my loves!

I have mixed feelings about this week, hahahaha??

We had an awesome lesson with our man Kuria on Tuesday. He is so prepared it's incredible. He has been on a spiritual journey for most of his life, he's just felt like something is missing. He loves his family and he's been sober for 14 years! Sis Wilcox and I were like whaaaaat??!! He read the pamphlet we gave him and had questions prepared AND he took notes throughout our lesson on the Restoration. He asked when church was and where. The best part was that when I asked him if he would be baptized HE SAID DEFINITELY! I have to admit I wasn't expecting that... anyways, we love him so much and we're super excited to continue meeting with him and helping him increase his knowledge and faith.

Also, had a pretty cool/ sobering experience after one of our lessons. We were in a neighborhood longer than we had anticipated because we had to move our next lesson to a later time. So we helped this cute old lady with her cat and then we saw this guy hanging out the front of one of the apartments. We went up and did our thing. This poor guy was going through a rough time and kept saying over and over how of all the days we could have stopped by, it was when he needed God most. We told him that God knows and loves him,  and I cried (surprisingly) while telling him something my MTC teacher had told me. That we are not given trials to break us, we are given trials because Heavenly Father trusts us enough to not let our trials overwhelm us. He accepted a Book of Mormon and our number. I'm so grateful that we were in the right place at the right time to give him comfort, and that I actually had the courage to say something!

Sorry these paragraphs are giant. 😕

I had new missionary training on Friday! It was way fun and so uplifting, and I saw a few of my homies from my MTC district. President Hughes, our mission president, is the kindest man and you can tell that he loves all his missionaries. We had to drive to Indiana for the training though and everything is so flooded! I had major anxiety about getting stranded somewhere!

I also got to go to the Temple which apparently isn't common amongst the trainees. Sis Wilcox Sr found out that a guy she taught was going to the Temple for the first time and we got to go see him do baptisms for the dead. It was such a spiritual experience, and Sis Wilcox was so happy! I can't wait to go to the Temple with people I have taught, and be a part of something so special and sacred with them. One of the Temple workers said that Sis Wilcox looked like a proud mother!😆

My nickname is officially Sister Wilcox the Younger, even among the other missionaries. So yeah, don't know what I'll do when Sis Wilcox gets transferred!😢

Oh! One of our investigators is in the hospital right now. She's worried that she might have stomach cancer. Her name is Miranda, it would be so awesome if y'all could pray for her!

I love you guys so so much! Have a wonderful week, God bless you!

With love,
Sister Wilcox😙

Also, Sis Wilcox hit her halfway mark this week and we celebrated/ mourned for her at Olive Garden. I ate some Italian donuts...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sister Wilcox the Younger

A new week, a new email!

Actually I keep forgetting what I've already told y'all, so there may be repeats hahaha😅. I have heard of the crazy weather back home, but get this. It was 60 degrees and super humid on Friday. Then on Saturday it started snowing... I've never felt more betrayed. Except for last year when it started snowing in Rexburg in April.😐 Saturday had the biggest plans though and we were gonna bike out to this hard to reach place, but the weather was like nooooope. Instead we planned our lessons and cleaned.

I mean we deep cleaned. This apartment has housed elders for YEARS. It's disgusting, and Sister Wilcox Sr and I haven't had enough time on p-days to really do anything about it. So I busted out the rags and Clorox and mopped the kitchen & bathroom by hand and scrubbed the walls! Super gross but super worth it! I can walk through there barefoot now.😁

We had a few disappointments this week, some people have been hard to get a hold of and others flat out won't meet with us. My favorite is when people message back saying "I will let you know when we can meet." Yeah no you won't. We did however heart attack some doors and found some less active members, so that was fun! Actually we got a new investigator because of this! We were sitting on the bottom steps to an apartment complex trying to cut out more hearts (we rushed out the door and forgot a few) and this guy started coming down so we hurried to get out of the way meanwhile striking up a conversation with him. This super sweet family guy, Kuria (pronounced like Korea), ended up wanting to meet with us again. Later on in the week he CALLED us to let us know he had a last minute thing come up, but he wanted to reschedule. This never happens! He is indeed a very cool, classy guy.

I had exchanges this week too. It's where zone leaders or STL's (Sister training leaders) swap out with your companion and you go tracting/finding with them. I had sister Sheperd who is just a doll face and I love her! She was so crazy fun yet focused and spiritual. She only has 3 weeks left on her mission though!😲 Anyways, we went out to teach a mother and her disabled son, but the mother wasn't there and there was a nanny instead. We were rescheduling with her when this little Latino guy comes up behind us and starts rambling on about how he can't get into his house and he needs to get in, then he started talking about needing to go to Bardstown and it was hard to understand, and we were all like, "We can't take you anywhere buddy" because really we can't as missionaries. But he was so high it wasn't registering with him at all. So the nanny's husband came and walked us to our car because the guy followed us thinking he was getting a ride! Fun stuff!

Also, the bike routes around here are insufferable and I feel like I've already talked about this, but they're just so bad! Anyway, we stumbled upon this ginormous sidewalk and thought "wow this is great!" And thinking it was gonna take us where we needed to go. Instead it ended. Right next to a highway. So I call it the Great and Spacious Sidewalk because it's big and beautiful but leads you astray and leads you to believe falsely that it will take you where you need to go...

Lately we've been teaching a part member family. The kids are all very active, but the mom not so much. She has a very sad story, and we're simply trying to be there for her and let her know we love her. Our spiritual thought for the night was the Plan of Salvation or the Plan of Happiness where we get to talk about where we came from, why we're here, and where we go after this life. I ended up singing O My Father to the Come Thou Font tune because we both felt like I should. It talks about the pre-mortal existence and it's just a sweet song. It immediately brought the spirit and the kids were really focused. The mother told us that she always cries when she sings that song and it was such a spiritual lesson.

I've written way too much! I love you all!

With love,
Sister Wilcox😙

Monday, February 12, 2018

Wilcox & Wilcox


I don't even know if I can remember what we did this week... so I'm gonna give some more background on the area because I realize I haven't done that yet and it's been three weeks.

So Hurstbourne is smack dab in the bustling city. We neighbor Jeffersontown which is just as crazy. Every building here is brick or some other stone, and the sidewalks are in mostly crummy condition. Woohoo! We live up the street from a liquor store and apparently the guy that works there, Frank, gives the elders free slushies... super jealous, but sister Wilcox Sr is pretty sure we're not supposed to go in there. 😐

There are no mountains or even large hills in sight. The bike rides would say otherwise, however, and my thighs are not happy going uphill all the time. We're getting used to public transportation though. The bus is pretty fun, and by fun I mean that I don't understand how anyone around here legally obtained a license. There was an ambulance that had to sit in an intersection WAY too long before anyone decided to stop moving! Actually, I got a story about this (don't freak out). We went to visit this Latina lady Sayra, with the elders and she had apparently lost her dog a week prior to our visit. We were helping her clean the house when randomly she received a tip on the whereabouts of this dog and she was like "everybody in the car!" So we drove all over town following this lead going from shelter to shelter, going like 80 miles an hour and I was holding the "Oh crap" bar so so tight! It was scary! All the while she had this fantastic Latino music on, so that was a plus. We have yet to find the dog though.

I saw a giant fork the other day. It was the most random thing ever, and I'm pretty sure it was for a bank. I haven't gotten to go to see the Sluggers museum yet, but we can visit it which will be awesome! I think we'll go on a district P-day?

The weather is just weird. Oregon's weird, but this is so much worse. It'll be bright and sunny one day and super warm. Then at night, it snows or just plain rains down ice, and the next day we have to bundle up big time! It can go from the 50s to the 20s in two seconds I swear! Sister Wilcox Sr got to see freezing rain for the first time though. She was super excited, but super worried about biking that day.😥

The main foods around here that I've never heard of but everyone says I have to try are Hot Browns and Grits. Grits are some kind of porridge, I think?? But Hot Browns are fantastic! They're like these turkey sandwiches covered in sauce and ohhhh man! Sounds weird but it's muy bien! We actually just tried them today at this super cute restaurant called "Wild Eggs." We were all skeptical at first, but seriously I want one of these in Oregon! We went to celebrate Valentine's day there with the Hermanas.

It's been rough this week, and yet also amazing? We haven't had a lot of progress finding, but we had some awesome lessons with some of our investigators and I felt really good about them. We've been able to meet more of our members and seriously, they're amazing. Brother Velasquez loves farming and really wants to start his own homestead! I had so much fun talking with him, and he was super surprised to meet another crazy person who wants to study dirt! It was great. We also had an emergency with trying to get an investigator to a baptism (It didn't work out), but the Jones's family came flying to our aid in their mini van with their kids and a bunch of groceries. We felt so bad! But sister Jones said that if her daughter was on a mission, she would want someone to come flying to her rescue as well and I just love her so much!!!

The Wilcox & Wilcox thing came from our ward. Apparently in all the meetings last Sunday they decided that Sister Wilcox Sr and I sound like a law firm.. so yeah. They're funny!

I love you all so much! I love hearing from you and I can't wait to get all your emails! You inspire me so much, and you all bring a little bit of home with you when you write. Thank you so much, and have a Happy Valentine's Day!

With love,
Sister Wilcox

Monday, February 5, 2018

What it's February??

Hello from the South!

Another week down, how is this possible? And it's February!

This week was full of just biking. Everywhere. Sister Wilcox Sr and I have been trying to navigate using 3 different apps because we're trying to get accurate timing AND directions... It's a little stressful I won't lie. I'm sore in places I didn't know was possible, and I'm starting to appreciate Portland's insane love for Biking. That's how bad it is here. There's no shoulder, ever, and the sidewalks just end in random stupid places. Who does that? Oh, and there's this road that is just notorious called Watterson, and I hates it.

Biking has its perks though! We come into contact with more people than you would in a car, we talk to everyone we see! Most people kinda blow us off, but every now and again we meet someone and have a meaningful conversation with them and sometimes find an investigator, it's just great! 😊

We are out here to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we are also representatives of him. It means that, though we don't always meet nice people or have much success,  we must still have charity for others. Love those that hate you or would spitefully use you, because that is what Christ would have us do. It can be so hard!

This one gal we met (she doesn't hate though) she was put down as a former investigator in our book, so we decided to stop by and check up on her. She was this spunky older lady who told us she was "over the Book of Mormon." But she let us in anyway because it's freezing outside (always) and we had a long conversation with her. SHE STILL HAS HER BOOK OF MORMON, and I had a feeling she wasn't "over" anything. Getting to know her and her interests and letting her know that we would do anything for her, Mormon or not, I think it opened her heart a little. I'm glad that we didn't let her lack of interest discourage us!

I love this Louisville ward almost as much as my home ward! It's pretty darn close! All the members I've met have been so amazing and generous, and you can tell that they're really wanting to reach out more to the community. There are quite a few converts here, and we got to meet a whole family who joined the Church only 5 years ago! And the mother was a former atheist! It's just so cool and inspiring I love It! 😆

I just read this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley and I thought it was pretty great. It goes, “Your obligation is as serious in your sphere of responsibility as is my obligation in my sphere. No calling in this Church is small or of little consequence. All of us in the pursuit of our duty touch the lives of others.” We are all called to serve, no matter what it is you do, and no effort is wasted. You will create ripples that will turn into great waves. What you do and how you serve matters. It matters a lot.

I feel like I had more to say, but now I can't remeber.. Oh! My address is:
9913 Grassland Dr., Apt 1
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
I hope I did that right.😅 I love you all so much! Pray, love and serve!

These top two pics are of my first zone conference! All the missionaries in Louisville!

The weird statue dude was a challenge from our zone leaders, so yeah.