Monday, February 5, 2018

What it's February??

Hello from the South!

Another week down, how is this possible? And it's February!

This week was full of just biking. Everywhere. Sister Wilcox Sr and I have been trying to navigate using 3 different apps because we're trying to get accurate timing AND directions... It's a little stressful I won't lie. I'm sore in places I didn't know was possible, and I'm starting to appreciate Portland's insane love for Biking. That's how bad it is here. There's no shoulder, ever, and the sidewalks just end in random stupid places. Who does that? Oh, and there's this road that is just notorious called Watterson, and I hates it.

Biking has its perks though! We come into contact with more people than you would in a car, we talk to everyone we see! Most people kinda blow us off, but every now and again we meet someone and have a meaningful conversation with them and sometimes find an investigator, it's just great! 😊

We are out here to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we are also representatives of him. It means that, though we don't always meet nice people or have much success,  we must still have charity for others. Love those that hate you or would spitefully use you, because that is what Christ would have us do. It can be so hard!

This one gal we met (she doesn't hate though) she was put down as a former investigator in our book, so we decided to stop by and check up on her. She was this spunky older lady who told us she was "over the Book of Mormon." But she let us in anyway because it's freezing outside (always) and we had a long conversation with her. SHE STILL HAS HER BOOK OF MORMON, and I had a feeling she wasn't "over" anything. Getting to know her and her interests and letting her know that we would do anything for her, Mormon or not, I think it opened her heart a little. I'm glad that we didn't let her lack of interest discourage us!

I love this Louisville ward almost as much as my home ward! It's pretty darn close! All the members I've met have been so amazing and generous, and you can tell that they're really wanting to reach out more to the community. There are quite a few converts here, and we got to meet a whole family who joined the Church only 5 years ago! And the mother was a former atheist! It's just so cool and inspiring I love It! 😆

I just read this quote from Gordon B. Hinckley and I thought it was pretty great. It goes, “Your obligation is as serious in your sphere of responsibility as is my obligation in my sphere. No calling in this Church is small or of little consequence. All of us in the pursuit of our duty touch the lives of others.” We are all called to serve, no matter what it is you do, and no effort is wasted. You will create ripples that will turn into great waves. What you do and how you serve matters. It matters a lot.

I feel like I had more to say, but now I can't remeber.. Oh! My address is:
9913 Grassland Dr., Apt 1
Louisville, Kentucky 40299
I hope I did that right.😅 I love you all so much! Pray, love and serve!

These top two pics are of my first zone conference! All the missionaries in Louisville!

The weird statue dude was a challenge from our zone leaders, so yeah.

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