Monday, March 5, 2018

Transfers Ahhhhhh!!!!


So we found out who all is getting transferred this week, no one in my disctrict!😛 Woohoo!!! I love my district and I don't think we're ready to part ways just yet!

This week started off great. We did a ton of tracting on Tuesday and met with an inactive family. They were super nice! People are funny too. This one guy we talked to really encouraged us to only read the Bible, and he was worried for us because we also read out of the Book of Mormon... it was super adorable but he would not let us explain that both books testify of Christ and that the Book of Mormon is not a replacement for the Bible. It's like he only heard every other word we said?? Catholics are great too. Especially old Roman Catholic gals, they're the best. We got stared down by a whole group of em when we were checking up on a referral. Awesome!

We started meeting with a part member family, the Knowles, and they are so sweet! The husband is the non-member and he attends church more than his wife does. We're trying to get the whole family, but she doesn't feel as welcome as he does. So we told like, the whole ward that they were coming this Sunday and it worked out so well. Only the husband came again though with his boys, but it was all good. We've realized that we as missionaries need to communicate better with the ward. Our members are awesome and we need to let them know what's up.

Our new smart phones have been such a blessing! Group texts are amazing! We've been able to connect with our peeps so much easier and we loves it! Sis Wilcox Sr is way more excited about them than I am though, it's pretty funny actually.

Sis Wilcox Sr totally popped her front tire after thinking she could make it over this huge curb and didn't quite make it. I felt bad cuz I saw it happen in what felt like slow motion, but I let her do it!😆 Luckily we were right outside a Wal-Mart, but none of the workers knew anything about bikes so we ended up calling our elders for help. It was such a fiasco, but we laugh about it now!

Ha, I haves a funny story. We had this one investigator that was pretty cool and kinda progressing, but we felt it would benefit him to meet with the elders instead. So this gator has been avoiding the elders like the plague since, and we ended up dropping him cuz he's super flakey. Anyways, Wednesday Sis Wilcox Sr and I get a message from this guy on facebook that goes, "do you believe in love at first sight?" And we happened to be in our district meeting at the time and we told our zone leaders, and they were like "DO NOT RESPOND!" I was dying! 😂 poor guy! So yeah, that's my story.

Also we had a sister take us out to meet her neighbors and it was fabulous! We got a new investigator because of her and an 11 year old girl from another member family, Chelsea. These gals just went out and pretty much bore their testimonies to everyone they saw and it was so inspiring. You members have more influence and power than you think! You are a force of nature, and you are the ones who help investigators feel welcomed and loved. Open your mouths and don't be afraid to share what you know! I need to follow your example better!

We got to do a ton of service this week. My prayers were answered! We helped a family move and worked in a food pantry. And we have some more opportunities to work in the community coming up and I loves it! God really does listen and answer our prayers, even when they seem random. 😉

Anyways, I love y'all! Have a wonderful week and do some yard work for me! I have yet to meet someone who will let me pull weeds with them!😢

With love,
Sister Wilcox😘

That pic of my face is apparently my planning face, hahaha??? Oops.
Also, we play missionary "Guess Who" it's awesome!

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