Monday, October 15, 2018

We Survived the Week

Hey y'all!

So last week Sister Calhoun and I went with Carly to a pumpkin patch and it was so CUTE! I petted a pony with a sign on her gate that said "pony bites" hahahaha oh well. We got pumpkins there too and we're planning on painting them today. Sister Calhoun is gonna drown hers in glitter!

On Tuesday we decided to drive all the way up to the northern-most part of our area. It's like 35 minutes away, which I guess isn't that bad, but when you have a set amount of miles it's a little precarious. There was a referral all the way up there so we just went for it. It was so much fun running around that town, and man was it cute! It was called 'Fort Branch' and I think I could totally live there, if for whatever reason I decided to live in Indiana. I don't think I'd do the humidity on purpose again though...

Wednesday we got to help the Wings move some landscaping around for their future patio they're putting in. I LOVE dirt! Love it, and plants. It was soooo nice too because the weather has finally cooled off! This week has been in the 50's and 60's and it has been magical! It looks like Oregon and now it finally feels like Oregon! Everybodys been like, "there was no Fall it just jumped right to winter" and I've been so confused, because this is what fall looks like?? I think it's pretty great. We had a lesson with Carly and she planned out everything for her baptism in like a cute little order of things and I just love her! She is precious, and she is so ready for this next step it's just so amazing to see.

I got to hold ducks on Thursday at the Pace's house! And inspect a chicken because she was losing a ton of feathers, she's just molting y'all! But I did feel bad for her, she covered me in feathers. The ducks were so cute! Brother Pace was like, " the best part about ducks is that they can't run as fast as chickens" and I about died! Their awkward little flat feet make it hard to escape! I waaaaant some! We had a lot of meetings on Thursday, so I can't really remember much of what happened. Our ward mission leader, Brother Schauss, is brand new so we had a LONG meeting with him. It was really cool to meet with him though because he is so fired up about missionary work, and he just wants to do the best he can for us. I love him and I think this is going to be an awesome transfer working with him!

Saturday started out rough! Ohhh my goodness, but everything worked out. For the most part I guess. We had lunch with Carly and taught her another lesson, and the entire time I was like, "you need to be teaching us!" She knows so much! I don't even know how she just does, she just needs to become part of the companionship and make us a trio! People need her testimony! Gosh I love her! It's such a privilege to know her and to have met souls like hers that are fighters, that are hungry for the gospel. They are inspiring!

Oh, also that night we drove out to see the Broshears (who ended up not being there). I got a little lost so I tried turning around in a driveway and these people had these super low, random logs placed on the sides of the drive that I didn't see and I totally got the car stuck cuz they were wet and slippery and our car is so short! I panicked and got so frustrated! Who puts logs like that by the driveway?! I knew we couldn't push the car ourselves (even though I totally tried to) and then finally I just had to be still for a sec and calm down. I had this little thought to just turn the wheel the other way and push on the gas. So I did. The darn car was able to get over the log and back onto the road! It's amazing what you can do if you just sit still and be calm, the Lord will show you what to do. He can't when you aren't listening, when you think "I'll figure this out on my own" or when you're so annoyed or frustrated that you can't even receive a prompting, like I was at that point. I didn't even feel like I deserved to have that kind of help, yet I was helped. That's how He works :)

Also I flooded a bathroom. We were at the Wings last night for a devotional/ game night and I guess the water never stopped running cuz soon there was a waterfall coming from the toilet and I ran outta there like, "how do I turn this off?!" It was pretty funny. I'm so grateful that the Wings are chill people.

That was my week! I have tons of fun with Sister Calhoun and we love Evansville! We aren't perfect missionaries but we sure try the best we can! I love y'all! I hope you enjoy the Fall weather as much as I do!!

With love,
Sister Wilcox

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