Monday, October 29, 2018

"There's nothing I love more than lying in bed"

Hey y'all

It twas another good week! I'm going to the zoo today for district p-day and I'm so excited! So I might not get to email everybody today, sorry! I'll try!

Tuesday and Wednesday had a funk to them that I couldn't put my finger on. It wasn't that anything bad happened to us it's just that little things kept going wrong and we kept meeting really really weird people... but what's new? The traffic has been super bad on the expressway lately, so that could be why there was so much negativity in the air. People around here get pretty upset if you disrupt their need for speed.

We went to give cookies to this gal in the ward who just had her hand amputated, so we stopped by her house only to find that she wasn't there. Her son (who we talked to forever) said she was at some hospital getting therapy. Then he somehow enlisted us to take her some things she would need while staying there and how can you say no to someone who doesn't have a car whose mom is in the hospital?? We didn't really know where it was at or how we'd get in, but we just went for It!

We were able to find the building, but the door needed some code and we had no idea what that was, so that was awesome, but then this young man opened the door for us from the inside and I recognized him from the homeless shelter Ashawnta used to stay at! He didn't recognize me, but I told him before he skirted outta there that he always rescues us and I wanted to thank him for that. He was a little awkward about it but that's okay. He always disappears before I can get his name, but seriously he's helped us multiple times and he doesn't even know It! You never know who you impact by doing simple nice things y'all!

We got the bag to the right room, but the sister wasn't there yet. So we still haven't met her πŸ™ƒ

We had exchanges on Thursday and that's always a party. I got Sister Vernon who actually goes home in 2 weeks from her mission. Craziness! She and Sister Wilcox Sr will be leaving at the same time. Weird things are happening!

Speaking of that, I hit my 10 month mark last week! How bizarre is that?!

We had a lesson with Carly on Friday at the radio station on the USI campus because she works there, so that was fascinating. I've always wondered what it's like to be the person that talks between songs on the radio. Carly is much cuter than any person I've ever heard, I'm gonna have to find a way to tune into her station when I go home! And it's alternative music! Love it!!!

She had her baptismal interview on Saturday! It went so good! She is all set and ready to go! SO EXCITED!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Also on Saturday we went up to Fort Branch again and there was a giant trunk or treat party in the middle of the town! So that was awesome! We got to see a bunch of cute little munchkins all dressed up in their costumes😊

Sister Calhoun and I and all the elders in our 2 wards got to sing at an 8 year old girls baptism yesterday. We sang "I know when I am baptized" and she got all emotional, it was very sweet. She had on the most beautiful little white dress I'd ever seen! Carly got to be there and experience what her baptism is going to be like! Oh and then Carly came tracting with us and she bore her testimony to a bunch of different people and man I wish I could have a Carly with me everyday because her sincerityh and her spirit could totally be felt by everyone she met. Even though many still said "no", they could not deny that they felt the Spirit, because I could feel it. I love her so much!😒

The trees are finally turning colors! It's beautiful! I'll have to take more scenic pictures this week so y'all can see. Halloween is this week so Happy Halloween everybody!

Sister Calhoun and I are laying around in bed still, emailing people cuz this will be the only time to do it, hence the name of this email. It's from Sister Calhoun, love her!

Have a fabulous week y'all, enjoy the holiday! Love you!

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤❤❤

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