Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I'm Just A Gringa

Hey y'all,

First off, transfer calls are this upcoming Saturday, so that's scary. I don't want anybody to leave me!

So, I've been in French-Lick all day long, a fancy little town 45 minutes from Jasper. We toured a restored hotel and walked through this other fancy hotel with a giant dome. It looked very very expensive and I was afraid to touch anything. Oh, I forgot to mention that today is district p-day and that's why it's taken me so long to write an email today, sorry!

We were also going to go do lazer tag, but instead we talked to a guy driving a carriage and talked to him about horses and church, which honestly I liked doing that better than the thought of lazer tag. His horse, Sadie, was an American Belgian and I think he said she was 18 hands? She was beautiful! He wasn't really interested, but he invited us to come back and see the stables next p-day! The sisters and I are totally coming back!

This last week and this week was a blur. We mostly prepped for the Mission Tour that happened on Monday. We had to coordinate rides and all that jazz. Hermana Hall and I stayed the night with the Paoli sisters, which was awesome! Slumber party!!!! Then we drove at the crack of dawn to get to Crestwood and we were still late!😅 Elder and Sister Costa were amazing, I felt like they taught us so personally and I really needed a pick me up. I feel like I've been lacking drive lately, so this was great!

On Sunday we had Jo at church and Norma from our English class with her two kids! They all stayed for all three hours!

Yesterday was cool because we planned on being in Huntingburg for awhile, but then we thought we needed to go to Holland instead, so we did! We went to the same neighborhood we had been in last time and felt we needed to go to the very end of the road and see the house we didn't get to last time. There was a lady outside and we just barely caught her as she was about to go inside. We talked to her for an hour! She was so cool and everything she believed in was what we believe in, she totally agreed to have us back over! Also, she had a German shepherd mix and I played with him that entire time. So cute!

I can't remember what else happened. I love you all!

With love,
Sister Wilcox

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