Monday, January 7, 2019

Mud, Horses, Fireworks, Definitely Kentucky

Hello lovely People!

It's 2019 y'all! How crazy is that? Well this week has been full of interesting things.

For new years eve we were invited over to the Fawbush home to hang out and watch fireworks. Sister Fawbush told us some wonderful news that we're not allowed to tell anyone yet, but it's wonderful! God really knows our hearts, but he always does everything in his own timing. If we're patient then the answer will be all the more sweeter ๐Ÿ˜Š also, Brother Fawbysh lit off some HUGE fireworks in their driveway. Right next to their house. And it was windy. But it was still so cool and I was only slightly worried for our lives๐Ÿ˜…

On new years day we went way out in the boonies to visit some people. There was one sister who no one hardly visits cuz she's so darn far out,  so we tried stopping by. Well it had rained for days and when I pulled up the driveway to park, the front tires just barely rolled off the gravel and I had this feeling that that was not going to be good. It wasn't the right house, there was a sweet old man named Norman instead who kept patting me on the shoulder and giving me side hugs. But he was cute and real old so it was okay. He showed us where the right house was, he wasn't interested either, but still super nice, so we got in the car. Guess what? Bad feeling confirmed! We was very very stuck and the tires just kept spinning. Norman came back and said there was a guy across the street with a tow truck, what are the odds?? So we got towed outta there and met all these kind people, but we didn't get a chance to talk to them about the gospel cuz as soon as they came, they went back to work! We're gonna take them cookies and see if we can't talk to them more!

When we found the sister, she told us that she had just run out of water from some spring they use? So we offered to help her "fetch" some water. They have this other huge piece of property and on it that have natural spring water coming out of a rock! And it was down this slippery slope! We hauled water up and down, it was actually fun! Can't believe she does that on her own! No bueno!

On Wednesday we did service for a sweet sister in the ward, who basically has a farm! She and her friends have 3 cows, 2 horses, 2 alpacas, 1 goat, a couple dogs and cats, and a bunch of chickens. We got to muck out horse stalls! It was the best day ever, and not as bad as I thought it was going to be...

Actually, we visited a lot of farms this week. Everybody lives on farms! I love it!

I drank out of a sulfer well after district council on Thursday, that was nasty. But now I can say I've done it. Yay.

Also, we had a couple Jehovah's witnesses knock on our door the other morning, and that was interesting! They were nice though! They asked if they could come back, and we said sure? They know we're missionaries, so I wonder if they'll actually come back...

I've really felt off lately, and I've been trying to figure out why. As I've been reading the scriptures and talking with other people, I've basically been told that I need to be more specific in my prayers. I need to ask God for things. I feel weird asking for things, but really he wants us to. It shows our faith and trust in him that we believe he will answer.

So this missionary started showing a little more faith and trust and let Heavenly Father know what her struggles have been, what her worries are currently, and basically asked what she can do.

Well he answered through my branch President. We had a meeting with him and our senior missionary couple yesterday and as he talked with us and worked with us, he gave me new ideas, a fresh perspective, validation for what we have already been trying to do, and it was exactly what I needed. Heavenly Father will answer your prayers if you simply ask. You'd think I would have that down by now!๐Ÿ˜‚

We just left Firestone 30 minutes ago, because we popped a tire last night! We were trying to get in contact with some people and we ran over a "metal roofing screw" or nail or whatever. That's what they told us. Air started coming out pretty fast, but we got the car home. Elder Karren came out to change it to the donut this morning and we finally got it all fixed up. The receptionist there was very kind, and was very familiar with missionaries! It was so cool! Everything happens for a reason, popped tires and all!

I hope 2019 has been good to y'all so far, love ya!

With love,
Sister Wilcox๐Ÿ˜˜


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