Monday, March 18, 2019

Guess What They're Doing to Me

Hey y'all,

So, I've been having strange anxieties about transfers all week. Turns out, I had every reason for the anxiety. I'M TRAINING.

I get a brand new little missionary to train here in Campbellsville. Boy they caught me right at the end in my last 2 transfers! What in the world, I never thought I would train. I thought I was home free!😂

No I'm excited, really. It'll be fun. I'm just sad to be losing my sweet Sister Young. She's heading over to Carrollton Kentucky and she has to take over the area cuz both the sisters that were there are going home, so that's exciting! I'm a little stressed out about everything but I know it will all be okay!

What did I even do this week?

Last Monday I mentioned we were going to Kentucky Down Under for district p-day, and it was awesome! Probably the most interactive place with cool animals ever. We got to go in to the kangaroo enclosure and they would come up and eat out of your hands and nibble on the edges of your clothing, it was so cute! Some of the kangaroos had little joeys in their pouches! I befriended an emu, he was pretty chill. We also went through a little cave tour, and then watched some sheep dogs heard sheep.

This place was neat because it takes in animals from animal abuse situations. There's a lot of that here in Kentucky unfortunately. We were talking to one of the employees, who was holding a caimen at the time (like a tiny alligator), and she was telling us that some lady thought it would be a good idea to own things like a caimen or a serval cat (those things are big!), and it was just not a good idea at all. It was very sad. Also, the sheep they had were meat sheep I think, no shearing required. Well someone didn't want their sheep so they dropped her off down the road from Kentucky Down Under and she was just wandering around till they picked her up and took her in. She's a wool sheep, so she's the only high maintenance one outta the group 😂. Why do people think they can have animals if they don't want to be responsible for them?

We had dinner with Sister Pearson and her grandkids that night, and her daughter joined us and stayed to watch a video. We were delighted!

Tuesday through Wednesday we had exchanges, and that was stressful. I always feel like I'm under a microscope when we do those. It was also good though, and we found some people with potential and I had some good learning experiences. Plus we had a little adventure while trying to exchange back.

There was a sign that said "road closed" but it was like, off in the bushes. You know how they're usually blocking the road? A little more obvious and hindering? Yeah no, some dude put this sign in the ditch. We went down, and sure enough there was a road construction crew. Oops. Then my STL was like, "maybe there's a flagger, we could go around them." And I looked at the huge excavator swinging it's shovel across the road, no flagger, and thought, "thats a good way to die" so I turned around and we found a road that would get us to the exchange point. Well, it narrowed way down to a one lane road it seemed, then it suddenly turned into gravel. And there were huge pot holes that I thought the Malibu wasn't going to make it out of. The entire time I was like, "this is why we need a jeep!" But we made it, all is well.

On Thursday we got a call from Renee, a gal that has been on and off taught by missionaries because of her husband's (Jack) interest in the church, and she wanted to know if we could help clean her house for a showing (they're trying to sell the house), so we went! Jack just got out of the hospital from having fluid around his heart, it was pretty scary actually. So he wasn't allowed to help much. I think we did a good job, plus I think it was good for Renee for us to be there. We also tracted in a huge windstorm! My hair looked Crazy! But we found some cool people so it was worth it!

Friday we had district council and had dinner with Sister Pearson and her grandkids again, and this time her son and her daughter came! Her son didn't stay for long, but still we got to see him again. Her daughter stayed for another spiritual thought and seemed to be pretty engaged the whole time. I don't know, we might be seeing two members reactivated here over time. That would be awesome!

Saturday we found out around 8:30am about transfers. That's the earliest I think I've ever gotten a call from President Hughes. It was a tender mercy though, because we didn't have to freak out all day wondering what was gonna happen. So after the news we did service for a member in the branch. I have never seen so much dust in all my life, or so many Elvis things. This lady is obsessed with Elvis and even has a room dedicated to holding all of her Elvis stuff, it was crazy. She also goes to concerts and fairs where Elvis impersonators compete to be the best Elvis look alike. I was going a little bit insane while we were there.

We had two awesome lessons, one with Marie and the other with Ron and Madonna. We read some of our favorite scriptures to them and bore our testimonies, and it was a really sweet goodbye for Sister Young with them. Marie was like, "you'll never forget me, will ya? No one ever forgets me!" 😂😂 I love that lady!

Now Sunday was probably the craziest day I've ever had so far. We went to church, then went and saw Sister Hersey, then we helped Jennifer wash her dishes and cook lunch and ate lunch with her, then we sang at a grave dedication for Sister Sapps son, then we had dinner with the Fawbush's, then we said goodbye to the Veney fam. It was a lot of running around, but it was really good and it helped the day go by quickly. We sang 'O My Father' to the tune of 'Come Thou Fount' at the grave dedication, and we made a lot of people cry, so that was good!😁 It was a sweet little ceremony and I'm glad we got to be there.

Well, my companion is running all over the house with boxes and clothes, so I'm gonna have to go. We gotta mail some stuff in the post office, missionaries accumulate a lot of stuff!

My fate is sealed here in Campbellsville, this is my last area folks! I couldnt have asked for a better place to end my mission.

I hope y'all have a wonderful day and a wonderful week! Love you all!!!!

With love,
Sister Wilcox😘😘😘


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