Monday, March 4, 2019

Who knew EFY music could be so good?

Hey y'all,

I'm a little upset because this week started off pretty nice and warm, did a lot of walking and stuff. It started snowing yesterday. 😐

Well it feels like spring! The daffodils and crocuses are coming up and some trees are beginning to bud. The grass even looks greener! I'm so excited for springtime it isn't even funny! Oh and all the cows around here are having their calves and it's just so much fun to drive by and see the cute babies!

So like I said we did much tracting this week and met some cool people with potential. We also met a lot of preachers and I thought we were just gonna get Bible bashed all day, but we didn't. They were very nice actually, and one even accepted a Book of Mormon! Craziness!

We got to sing some songs with the youth on Wednesday with brother Kelly again and that was fun! We sang an Easter version of "Hallelujah," which is one of my favorite songs ever so that was great to get to do. I'm starting to lose it with the music we're limited to, because it's the same things over and over and you can't really jump around to anything else, because there is nothing else. Or so I thought. Last week we heard this jamming music coming from or district leaders car, found out it was EFY stuff and that yes, it was allowed. I was so annoyed. My comp was so annoyed. Her entire mission she's been told that we couldn't, and I had just never heard of it in the first place, so yeah. Now we have EFY music and I never thought I would be happy about that! It's so funny the made up rules that circulate the mission. Our mission President says he is the most misquoted person in the entire GKLM. Sad!

We met with Angie this week and her husband and that went well. We had dinner with Sister Hersey and then she came to church on Sunday foee the first time in YEARS! It was awesome! Faun came too! Oh, and Marie wanted a priesthood blessing, and so she did. She's had to go to the doctor a lot lately, so some prayers for her health would be much appreciated! She has been wanting to come to church, but then her health started acting up with some pretty scary things and it's kept her from being well enough to go. Sister Pearson finally got a hold of her patriarchal blessing too! Blessings all around!

We got to do service for Sister Shoffner the other day with the Karrens. We helped her haul spring water up the hill again, and then brother Karren made her a door for a room in the upper part of the house. She lives sooo far away, and she's so lonely and her husband is dying and it just makes me want to move their entire house to the middle of town so everyone would go see them more often. People excuse away not visiting because she's so far out, but she doesn't have anybody and it's just so frustrating that nobody else goes to see her and her husband. I understand it's frustrating that they don't attend church hardly, but what do you think would bring someone back? Well ignoring them certainly doesn't do anything, they need to know they are loved and that they're worth doesn't hinge on their church attendance.

District lunch was on Friday and I got to eat fried pickles! They were fabulous!

Ohhh and one of our elders in our district got emergency transferred to another area and now we have a new elder. It wasn't cuz something bad happened or that the companionship wasn't working, he just needed to get out of the area he was in, I think. He's going through some things. It's amazing to me the kinds of struggles and trials that missionaries go through and yet in spite of it all they still serve the Lord as best as they can. I've seen many missionaries that have had to go home early, and that's okay because the Lord understands that. I'm proud of him for sticking it out. He's nearly given up several times, but he's still hanging in there! Just because we're 20 somethings or 18 year olds, serving in not a foreign country, doesn't mean we don't face hard things. They're just different from what others have to go through, just like with all people. Nobody's trials are lesser or greater. It's not a competition of who's suffered more. The one who suffered most was Christ, and because of Him our pain and sorrow is swallowed up in the Atonement. You can't beat that! Sorry, I've just been hearing a lot of belittlement lately and I needed to get that out 😅

Anyways, that was a long rant. The new elder is actually one I served with for 3 transfers so hey, I get to see an old face again!

That's all I've got today folks. Sorry for the randomness. I love ya, I hope you have fun this week! Enjoy the coming of spring!🌷

With love,
Sister Wilcox😘

We found a turtle after we found out we were losing an elder, tender mercies!😢

Finally found the picture of my girls from the mini MTC


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