Monday, March 11, 2019

Kentucky Down Under!

Hey y'all!

Not much happened this week, so sorry in advance!

Today as a district we're going to this place called Kentucky Down Under and apparently it's all animals from Australia, so it should be fun! You get to pet kangaroos and I'm so excited!

We had meal appointments nearly every night this week and that just doesn't happen here! It was fabulous. It got even better when we ate with the Rodenbergs yesterday and they invited Sister Hersey too! She got to know them and they got to know her and it was just perfect! That's how I wish everything went all the time!

There was crazy lightning storms on the weekend, that was no bueno. The thunder shook the houses, and you could feel it sitting in the car! It dumped and dumped and at one point we tried going out to see if we could find this family in the boonies and the further out we went, the harder the rain came down. We saw a few flooded areas and thought, "maybe we'll try some other day..." We did not need to get stranded or drowned, nope!

This week has been pretty chill. We're just trying to work and help as much as we can, all the while freaking out about transfers this upcoming Saturday! I don't even want to think about losing Sister Young! I can't imagine Campbellsville without her! And then, I keep getting this creeping feeling that I might be training... I have 2 transfers left, they could totally do that to me.

I have 2 transfers left on my mission, boy that just hit me outta left field! Campbellsville could be my last area I serve in. That's just bizarre. Although, I can't think of a better place to spend my last days in, so I'm totally fine with that!

A scripture that touched me this week was in 2 Corinthians 3:17- "Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

I think of all those who are fighting battles today. Those who feel stuck or trapped, mentally, spiritually, physically, emotionally, anything. If you turn to the Lord, if you seek out His Spirit, His light, you will be led on the path to freedom. I know that following the Savior and His teachings can seem restricting or too hard to do, they may not seem liberating at all. But they are. They free you from Satan's grasp, the one who makes you miserable and seeks your destruction. Christ can give you the power to overcome the world, and experience true and lasting happiness. That is freedom, and it cannot be conquered or taken away unless you turn away, so don't. Hold on. Keep seeking, keep enduring, keep trying. It's totally and completely worth it. I promise you it is.

I'm saying this mostly for me, because it's so easy for me to forget.

Anyways, I love y'all so much, I wish you the bestest week!

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤😘❤

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