Monday, July 2, 2018

Dante's Inferno

Hey y'all!

As the title implies, I feel like I'm biking through layers of hell. But that's just typical Kentucky! It'll be so bleeding hot and then start trying to drown me here in a sec! I prefer that to being burned alive though... also I'm going to the zoo today so my emails will probably be no bueno! So I'm saying sorry ahead of time!🤐

Well, not a whole lot of craziness happened this week. We did a TON of tracting again and it's not as successful as it has been. We're switching up the game the upcoming week to reach out to more less actives, because obviously we are meant to be doing something else!

We met this cute older gal and her grandkids while out tracting. At first she wasn't interested, but then she offered us some water. Of course we accepted and we ended up telling her all about what we do and she wanted her grandkids to meet us. They need a lot of prayers right now because she and her husband are pretty much raising their grandkids and they aren't in great health. She wanted us to continue stopping by and sharing what we know with her and her family. She's not investigating, but I'm glad we were able to offer her some peace and bring the spirit into her home.😊

We got our bikes back back on Saturday! I didn't realize how soft my bike seat was until I had to ride around on that other guy for a week and a half! The little things in life make all the difference! However, I felt like I could go much faster on the purple bike...

Mary Helen bore her testimony yesterday and it was the most beautiful thing! She's a brand new member and she just walked right on up there with her papers! Sister Mitchell and I cried like babies and we ran up to give her a hug. She is exactly why we are out here. She was so ready to hear the gospel that it didn't even matter if we were imperfect teachers. It didn't matter if I said the right thing or not. It wasn't about us, it was about her and her need to come back to faith, and Heavenly Father was going to make that happen. She came to us at a time when we were feeling pretty low and confused. And she felt the same way. We helped each other. Heavenly Father knew what we needed, and I am so thankful for the opportunity I had to help Mary Helen along her path in whatever way I was able.

This week has left me contemplating who I really want to be. The mission can change you, if you let it and if you want to, and I definitely wanted to. I still want to. There is so much to work on and learn, we never stop learning new things! It's wonderful that you can always strengthen your testimony, you can always receive revelation from the scriptures, our capacity to grow is infinite. We are children of God and our progression is eternal. Don't doubt yourself, don't think you have limits, you can do anything even if you just have faith the size of a mustard seed. In Moroni ch. 7 verse 33 it reads:

"And Christ hath said: If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me."

I love you all so very much and I love getting your emails and your encouragement. I feel your prayers working miracles around me everyday and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart!❤ Have a wonderful week and have an awesome 4th of July! This land is the land of promise and it is a land of freedom. We have this wonderful gospel and the right to share that gospel because this nation is free. Please pray for our leaders and our soldiers who try their best, they desperately need it!

With love,
Sister Wilcox😘

Sorry there aren't a ton of pictures this week! I'm slackin!

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