Monday, July 23, 2018

On Another Level of the Heat Index😥

Hey y'all!

Sister Pankey and I just got taken out to the mall by Sara and Leonard! Love them so so much oh my goshes! They really make missionaries feel loved! So yeah, that's why my emails are late!🤗

Another week in Indiana down! So I had NO IDEA how bad humidity could be, but Indiana has shown me the proper ways. We did some gardening for a member earlier this week and it was like, 7pm, and I was drowning in my own sweat. Not even kidding, it was ridiculous.

So adjusting to a car area is seriously weird. I'm used to planning all this time for biking but we don't have to do that anymore so there's all this time for finding people, which is great, but it's a lot! There are a ton of people in this area! I am so excited to seriously crack down and pound more pavement!

I've made sister Pankey bike quite a bit and I kinda feel bad but kinda not... We found a bikable road so heck yeah we're using it! It's been nice to be able to zoom around in a car though, especially when you're tired. I just feel like I'm not ready to let go of how I'm used to doing missionary work and I need to humble myself and be teachable because what I did before is not going to work here in Evansville! I swear all the trainings and studies I've had has been focused on "patience" and "humility" and I need to accept the change!

The end of this week was cool because we found one new person to teach, Jackie, who is so curious about the book of Mormon and then some guys from our ward brought their co-worker who wants to learn more about the gospel so we're teaching him too! His name is Gabe and he became interested because of the example his co-workers set, you never know who is watching you! So yeah, that was really awesome and I just feel so pumped to work hard and study hard.

We met this cool older couple whose son is a bishop (but they aren't members) and they have met with a lot of missionaries over the years! That's mostly because their grandkids keep sending missionaries after them!😂 When we showed up they were like, "who sent you this time?" And we told them nobody did, because we truly showed up simply because we wanted to. They are like dry Mormons. They know enough that they might as well be. They were super sweet though, and I really think there will be a time that they will accept the gospel. They came to church with their son yesterday, so it was cool to get to talk with them about church. We'll see where this goes!

This week I have noticed more that we are seriously on God's time. Everything works out the way it is meant to when you are willing to adapt to whatever changes happen, have patience with the monkey wrenches that get thrown in, and trust in God. We have been put in the right places at the right times simply because we saw that things weren't going to go according to plan and went with it anyway trusting that that was supposed to happen. It's been really cool, and humbling, because I don't know everything and this isn't my work! I wouldn't see any of the miracles I've seen if it all went the way I think it should.

I'm still learning the ropes and finding my rhythm, but I am so excited to be working in this new area with all these new people! Thank you for your love and prayers and emails! I appreciate it so much!

Have a fabulous week!

With love,
Sister Wilcox❤

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