Monday, July 30, 2018

July is ending...

Hi people!

I cannot even fathom the fact that it's pretty much August. And on that note, it's also raining today. I am still not used to the fact that it's summer and it can have rainstorms...

Sorry I'm late in the day- again! Sister Pankey and I got a phone call last night from our ward mission leaders wife, sister Wing, who just broke her elbow! She asked us if we could help her do her shopping today which of course we said yes! Her three little kids are adorable and so energetic! Also, Sam's Club is just like Costco! But yeah we just got home.

This week we did a lot more weeding which was awesome! One yard was just totally covered in vines and it was so therapeutic to rip it all out! We helped Sister Holly with her cute little veggie garden and I got to play with her 2 Boston terriers. I felt bad that I got them so riled up though because they sounded like they were having respiratory issues... ๐Ÿ˜จ

I've gotten to know our ward better this week it feels like and I'm sort of getting into the flow of things. We're trying to get to know everyone and letting them get to know us. Sister Pankey is hysterical she just kinda finds a way in and goes for it!๐Ÿ˜‚ There is this one family, the Patrick's, that the Spanish elders in our ward are a little salty about because of an encounter with brother Patrick. But we asked if we could do a family home evening lesson with them and they said yes, and we got to know all of them. Brother Patrick is totally cool! He likes landscaping and trimming trees, it was great! The elders are not happy!๐Ÿ˜†

We found some new people to teach this week so that was exciting! We got one referral person from the Missouri sisters, but as we've been talking to this gal Temyha, we found out she's stuck in Illinois! So that situation is a little weird and totally out of our control. She sounds like a nice gal though!

There are some serious rich rich RICH neighborhoods around here. Like, it's intimidating. We went looking for a member in this one area and I had no idea what we were getting into and all the sudden these monster houses were coming outta the woodworks and I cannot even understand how one manages a house like that even with maids. How. And why would you want to? If I had money like that I'd buy a homestead! ๐Ÿ˜

Zone Conference was on Friday and it was the bomb! They always are, but I felt especially in tune with this one and I didn't get bored or day-dreamy or anything! It was really focused on becoming more like our Savior and developing Christlike characteristics that will allow us to become better missionaries. This was something sister Pankey and I have been trying to focus on more, mostly me though cuz I'm terrible at setting goals. She is all about the goals! It also focused on helping members understand ministering. I was super excited about this one because I'm excited about ministering in general plus we could help our members grow closer together! And by helping them with their ministering families, we were then encouraged to ask for help with ministering to those we are teaching. So everyone's involved, everyone is working as one, which is really what we're working towards because we are all one people. Heavenly Father's children.

There are highs and lows in every hour it seems. Life will hit you up with all kinds of nonsense. But it helps knowing who you are, where you came from, and where you're going. I know that we don't go through life alone. I know that we each have a plan of happiness. I know that if we give our all to the Lord, our lives will truly be happy and full of joy, so much so that it will drown out all the bad.

I love and miss you all so much! Thank you for your sweet emails of encouragement and powerful testimonies, they truly lift me though the week! I hope you all have a wondrous first week of August!

With love,
Sister Wilcox๐Ÿ˜˜

Sorry most of the pics are blurry y'all

p.s. that adorable older gent with the vacuum is our beloved President Hughes

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